Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Rich live big...

I know I know, I promised I wouldn't miss any more weeks.  In my defense, I enjoyed myself a little too much on new year's eve and completely forgot to make a post last week.  Without any further delay here's the much anticipated Nobleman's ship:

I tried to make it big yet still made it look like it could be fast.  I pulled reference from many different sources, including racing boats, catamaran style yachts and even the space shuttle.  After that it was all my own imagination.  If I had the chance I would go back and design the ship before designing the interior.  I felt a little too constrained by my original interior designs since they were completed first.  So far this project has been a great learning experience!  Next week we'll dive inside so stay tuned, let's start the new year off on a roll!!!


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