Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Figure Drawing: Pep Rally!

Yesterday we went to another fun figure drawing session. This time the theme was "High School Pep Rally," and the models included a band leader, a jock, and a cheerleader. We took another member of the Studio Gattai team with us, Josshern. It was his first time doing figure drawing! Check out our sketches:

Zer07's 5 minute sketches:
Zer07's 10 minute sketches:
Zer07's 10 minute sketch (left) and 20 minute sketch (right):
Shiro Ninja's 5 minute sketches:
Shiro Ninja's 5 minute sketches (top) and 10 minute sketches (bottom):
Shiro Ninja's 10 minute sketches (top) and 20 minute sketch (bottom):
Josshern's 5 minute sketches:
Josshern's 5 minute sketch (top) and 10 minute sketches (bottom):
Nin nin!!


  1. nice, good that your stayin up with the drawlingsss!

  2. Really great! I'd love to go with you guys some time!
